Logo Quest - Logo and Graphic Design in the North West

Welcome to LogoQuest. As a graphic design company with over 40 years experience, we stick to the traditional graphic design mantra; Simplicity; legibility; singularity. These are the key demands of a great logo; a visual statement which informs precisely and in an easily remembered fashion, an organisation's character and dynamic.

Why not explore our portfolio and see why sticking by tradition will aid your companies marketing in the strongest possible way.

Who are we?

The term logo (or correctly, logotype) is now widely used to refer to any mark adopted by an organisation as its unique 'signature' and it is the term I will use to describe any such mark, whether type-based or purely iconic, or a combination of both.

Simplicity; legibility; singularity- are the key demands of a great logo; a visual statement which informs precisely and in an easily remembered fashion, an organisation's character and dynamic.

However, and often overlooked, is the fact that a logo must be viewed as intrinsically part of marketing strategy, in both short and long term planning. It is the one unifying factor of all promotional and distributive operations, throughout constantly changing marketing situations.

What do we do?

LogoQuest is the title under which I carry out my design operation and as I have linked the design process explicitly with the realities of the market place, I have provided a comprehensive questionnaire for a potential client to complete and which will be used as a basis for further research into their particular competitive business environment, should my services be retained.

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